A Media Frame is an object that is used as a 'container' to display an image or video.
A popular frame is a computer screen that is used to display another image or video, as in the example below:
In the Powtoon Studio, you need to be working in Create mode in order to add a media frame.
Adding an Image to a Frame
- Select the Shapes tab and then Media Frames.
- Browse through the image frames. As opposed to a 'regular' image, an image frame can be identified by the + sign that is displayed on it.
- Select the desired media frame. The frame will be added to the stage.
- Click on the symbol to add an image.
- Browse through the image library and select the image that will be displayed inside the frame. The image you select will be cropped according to the size of the image frame.
Adding a Video to a Frame
- Select the Shapes tab and then Media Frames.
- Browse through the media frames. As opposed to a 'regular' frame, a media frame can be identified by the + sign that is displayed on it.
- Select the desired image frame. The frame will be added to the stage.
- Click on the symbol to add a video.
- The My Video tab will appear. Select the video you want to add to the Media Frame
If the duration of the video you are uploading is longer then the slide, you will see an additional pop-up. You will need to choose between two options
1. Extend Length - This will extend the length of the slide to fit the video
2. Trim Video - This will trim the video, to fit the duration of the slide.
Adding an existing Image/Video to a Media Frame
If you have already added an image or video to your slide, you can easily add a media frame around it.
- Select the image or video that appears on the screen, and click on the symbol.
- Click on Add Frame
The media frame library will automatically be opened on the right hand side of the Studio.
3. Select the desired media frame. Your image or video will be instantly added into the media frame.
It is also possible to display an animated GIF image (as opposed to a static image) inside a media frame, as in the example below.
Use Recordit, a free GIF screen recorder, to quickly and easily create animated GIFS.
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