The volume of the sound in your Powtoon (music or narration) can easily be adjusted to a level that both suits your video and is comfortable to your audience's ears.
Adjusting the sound volume is especially important when your slide contains two types of audio (music and narration) and you don't want one to overpower the other.
Adjusting the sound volume is especially important when your slide contains two types of audio (music and narration) and you don't want one to overpower the other.
- In the Studio, click the sound control icon.
The Sound Control panel is displayed. Note that it is divided into 2 sections:
a. Voiceover.
a. Voiceover.
b. Music.
2. Using the volume sliders, adjust the sound in each section. As you work, click Play Together to
listen to the sounds and do fine-tuning, if required.
listen to the sounds and do fine-tuning, if required.
3. When you're happy with the result, click X to close the Sound Control panel.
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